dikhawatirkan ada usaha dari para perampok mengkambing hitamkan orang dengan menggunakan kotoran (faces) orang lain.Belum pernah ada perampok yang meninggalkan kotoran manusia di TKP. pada kotoran tentunya bisa dilakukan tes DNA untuk mengetahui orang yang punya kotoran tsb.
Perampok ini Meninggalkan Kotoran Manusia di TKP, Polisi Mengejarnya
Senin, 03 Maret 2014 16:46
Oleh: Mardikanto
Wonosari, Sayangi.com - Kepolisian Resor Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, menyelidiki kasus perampokan Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga setempat yang terjadi pada Senin (3/3) dini hari.
Kapolres Gunungkidul AKBP Faried Zulkarnaen di Gunung Kidul mengatakan dari hasil olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) diperkirakan pelaku masuk dari pagar belakang kantor Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Disdikpora) Gunungkidul.
"Pelaku lewat pagar belakang karena petugas menemukan beberapa barang bukti yakni lakban, tali dan koran. Pelaku diperkirakan masuk melalui pintu belakang dan melalui jalan kecil masuk ke ruangan," terang Faried.
Uniknya, lanjut Faried, selain bekas makanan, pelaku meninggalkan jejak berupa kotoran manusia di sekitar tempat kejadian perkara (TKP). "Ada kotoran juga," kata dia.
Berdasarkan rekaman CCTV, ungkap Faried, pelaku masuk sekitar 02.17 WIB berjumlah semuanya mengenakan jaket serta penutup wajah.
Sementara itu, berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun menyebutkan, kejadian diperkirakan terjadi dini hari sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB dan terekam CCTV.
Perampok yang diperkirakan berjumlah 5-6 orang menyekap dua orang penjaga malam kantor Disdikpora Darmo, setelah sebelumnya ditodong senjata api yang diduga sejenis pistol.
Keduanya disekap di kamar mandi dengan posisi terikat dan mata tertutup. Kedua penjaga malam berhasil melepaskan diri setelah tiga jam terkurung di dalam kamar mandi.
Dalam rekaman CCTV di depan kantor Kepala Disdikpora, terlihat enam orang pelaku berlalu lalang sebelum membongkar ruangan. Semua pelaku menggunakan penutup muka jaket yang memiliki penutup kepala.
Kepala Disdikpora Gunungkidul Sudodo mengatakan pelaku pencurian masuk ke tiga ruangan yakni ruang kepala dinas, sekretaris dan bagian keuangan.
"Pelaku berhasil membawa kabur uang, tidak ada dokumen yang dibawa," kata Sudodo.
Dari tiga lokasi pelaku berhasil membawa uang senilai Rp 50 juta yang berasal dari ruang bagian keuangan. "Kalau diruangan saya hanya diacak- acak saja. Uang itu merupakan uang rapelan kenaikan pangkat untuk pegawai dan uang zakat," kata Sekretaris Disdikpora Sugiyanto.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Sekedar konfirmasi saja, bahwa
dulu di tahun 2007-2008 aku tidak pernah menawarkan produk reksadana dari
Antaboga Delta Sekuritas Indonesia yang merupakan pemegang saham Bank Century.
Aku juga tidak pernah menawarkan produk dari Bank lain, selain Bank CIMB Niaga
(d/h Bank Niaga). Kebetulan aku eks-Bank Niaga.
Aku khawatir kena fitnah
mengingat banyak orang menjadi korban produk tersebut, banyak yang belum
mendapatkan uangnya kembali.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Sofyan Djalil: Ada Sekitar 5 BUMN Simpan Uang di Century
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Mantan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Sofyan Djalil mengatakan, ada sekitar empat atau lima BUMN yang menyimpan uang di Bank Century. Menurut Sofyan, jumlah depositonya tidak lebih dari Rp 1 triliun.
“Ada empat atau lima yang nyimpan deposito (di Bank Century). Kalau enggak salah kurang dari Rp 1 triliun, yaitu Rp 600-Rp 700 miliar,” kata Sofyan di Gedung KPK RI, Jakarta, Jumat (17/1/2014).
Namun, ia belum mau mengungkapkan BUMN mana saja yang menyimpan uang ke Bank Century. Sofyan juga mengaku tak tahu dari mana instruksi untuk menyimpan uang tersebut. Ia pun membantah sebagai pihak yang memberikan instruksi itu.
“Saya enggak tahu. Tanya BUMN yang naruh. Nanti, ya,” katanya.
Adapun pada Jumat ini Sofyan diperiksa penyidik KPK menjadi saksi untuk tersangka mantan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia Budi Mulya dalam kasus dugaan korupsi fasilitas pendanaan jangka pendek (FPJP) Bank Century dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik.
Saat kasus Century dalam tahap penyelidikan, KPK pernah meminta keterangan Sofyan. Seusai dimintai keterangan, Sofyan juga pernah mengakui adanya penempatan dana sejumlah BUMN di Bank Century. Penempatan dana tersebut, menurut Sofyan, dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuannya sebagai menteri ketika itu.
Sofyan juga pernah mengakui adanya surat Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), yang mengimbau perusahaan pelat merah menempatkan dananya di Bank Century. Namun, menurut Sofyan, BUMN menarik dananya setelah setelah kebijakan bail out hingga total penarikan mencapai sekitar Rp 300 miliar.
Penempatan uang BUMN di Bank Century tersebut dinilai janggal Pansus Hak Angket Century. Pasalnya, pemerintah sebelumnya telah mengimbau pimpinan BUMN agar menyimpan dana usaha di bank pemerintah untuk memperkuat struktur perekonomian dan posisi keuangan negara.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Mantan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Sofyan Djalil mengatakan, ada sekitar empat atau lima BUMN yang menyimpan uang di Bank Century. Menurut Sofyan, jumlah depositonya tidak lebih dari Rp 1 triliun.
“Ada empat atau lima yang nyimpan deposito (di Bank Century). Kalau enggak salah kurang dari Rp 1 triliun, yaitu Rp 600-Rp 700 miliar,” kata Sofyan di Gedung KPK RI, Jakarta, Jumat (17/1/2014).
Namun, ia belum mau mengungkapkan BUMN mana saja yang menyimpan uang ke Bank Century. Sofyan juga mengaku tak tahu dari mana instruksi untuk menyimpan uang tersebut. Ia pun membantah sebagai pihak yang memberikan instruksi itu.
“Saya enggak tahu. Tanya BUMN yang naruh. Nanti, ya,” katanya.
Adapun pada Jumat ini Sofyan diperiksa penyidik KPK menjadi saksi untuk tersangka mantan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia Budi Mulya dalam kasus dugaan korupsi fasilitas pendanaan jangka pendek (FPJP) Bank Century dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik.
Saat kasus Century dalam tahap penyelidikan, KPK pernah meminta keterangan Sofyan. Seusai dimintai keterangan, Sofyan juga pernah mengakui adanya penempatan dana sejumlah BUMN di Bank Century. Penempatan dana tersebut, menurut Sofyan, dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuannya sebagai menteri ketika itu.
Sofyan juga pernah mengakui adanya surat Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), yang mengimbau perusahaan pelat merah menempatkan dananya di Bank Century. Namun, menurut Sofyan, BUMN menarik dananya setelah setelah kebijakan bail out hingga total penarikan mencapai sekitar Rp 300 miliar.
Penempatan uang BUMN di Bank Century tersebut dinilai janggal Pansus Hak Angket Century. Pasalnya, pemerintah sebelumnya telah mengimbau pimpinan BUMN agar menyimpan dana usaha di bank pemerintah untuk memperkuat struktur perekonomian dan posisi keuangan negara.
Bank Mutiara
Bank Century memiliki dana
nyangkut di Indover yang bangkrut karena NPL dan dibekukan sejak tanggal 7
Oktober 2008, per 31 Desember 2014 outstanding Rekening Giro Bank Mutiara Tbk
(d/h Bank Century) di Bank Indover sebesar EUR 47.700,27. Tanggal 23 Januari
2014 Bank indover telah membayar EUR 15.063,24..
Sementara rekening giro bank di
BCA cabang Surabaya sebesar Rp. 4,260 juta diblokir kepolisian terkait perkara
hukum reksadana Antaboga yang dihadapi Bank. (sumber: Laporan keuangan audit
Bank Mutiara tahun 2014)
Bank Mutiara Ganti Nama Menjadi Bank J
Trust Indonesia
Nasabah Bank Century
asal Surabaya, Gayatri menggelar orasi di depan kantor Bank Mutiara Cabang
Solo, 21 April 2015. Dia menuntut uangnya yang tersangkut reksadana Antaboga
senilai Rp 70 miliar dikembalikan. TEMPO/Ahmad Rafiq
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -
PT Bank Mutiara Tbk resmi mengubah entitas usaha menjadi PT Bank J Trust
Indonesia Tbk.
Dalam keterbukaan informasi resmi yang dirilis
perseroan, Hartono Karyatin, Corporate Secretary Bank Mutiara, mengatakan
pergantian entitas ini telah mendapat persetujuan dari Otorititas Jasa Keuangan
(OJK) pada 21 Mei 2015 lalu melalui Keputusan Dewan Komisoner OJK
Sebelumnya, pergantian entitas ini juga telah
mendapat izin dari Kementrian Hukum dan HAM pada 7 April 2015 lalu. Dengan kata
lain, ini merupakan pergantian entitas kedua karena sebelum bersalin nama
menjadi Bank Mutiara, perseroan sebelumya bernama Bank Century
Sebelumnya, Ahmad Fajar, Direktur Utama Bank
Mutiara mengatakan pergantian entitas ini merupakan bentuk rebranding perseroan
seiring pergantian kepemilikan dari Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) ke J Trust
Co Ltd pada akhir 2014 lalu.
Pergantian entitas ini juga diharapkan bisa
menambah dana pihak ketiga (DPK) perseroal. Fajar menyebut, beberapa instansi
asing siap menempatkan dana di perseroan berkat reputasi J Trust. Tapi, untuk
tahap awal, penempatan dana masih terbatas, sekitar 5%-10% dari DPK.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
1. Latar belakang
Sehubungan dengan meningkatnya pemakaian telepon seluler dimasyarakat yang mana telahmenjangkau berbagai lapisan masyarakat dan juga dengan adanya kebutuhan masyarakat modernakan media transaksi yang lebih praktis dan bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan dan tidakhanya terbatas pada pembayaran online saja serta bisa digunakan kapanpun maka muncul ide kamiuntuk merancang metode dan sistem transaksi elektronis menggunakan sarana telepon seluler ataualat telekomunikasi data personal lain.
2 Tujuan khusus pengadaan sistemMemungkinkan transaksi dilakukan tanpa menggunakan uang (cashless) untuk pembayaranmikro (micropayment) hingga Rp.10.000,- keatas dengan menggunakan ponsel atau alattelekomunikasi data personal lainnya untuk berbagai keperluan.
Donations, including religious donations such as the tithes, 'zakat', and alms giving in a religion such as Muslim religion (the zakat) can be carried out on a recurring basis, usually annually, but may also be carried out throughout the year. Donors contribute monies with the hopes that their donation can reach the appropriate recipients and help the recipients financially.
Donors often prefer to give their monies directly to individuals, eliminating middle men. Donation collecting institutions are often obliged to disburse the donation funds within a specific time-frame, especially before the festivities such as Muslim festivities (for the case of the zakat) or within the same year as when the donations are received from the donors. Since disbursement of the donation funds to individuals or homes may be arduous and laborious, and especially difficult within a short time- frame, donation collecting institutions resort to using the donations for developmental projects such as building schools and other facilities to improve the lives of the poor and the needy. These developmental projects would allow large sum of the donation funds to be disbursed. However, these developmental projects, while it may be useful to the poor and needy community, may neglect the financial needs of the poor and the needy, thus defeating the fundamental purpose of the donation. The challenge is how donation collecting institutions can utilize donation funds by distributing the funds EQUITABLY to poor and needy individuals. Such distribution of the donation funds may be achieved through electronic fund transfer (EFT) such that the appropriated funds are wired to each recipient. However, this would be virtually impossible to carry out, considering the poor and needy individuals usually do not possess a bank account due to their inability to gain access to financial institution and banks alike.
Donations that are collected by non-religious organisations including non-government organisations (NGOs) can be collected with a specific purpose or a non-specific purpose. These organisations face similar challenges as the religious organisations if they are in need to conduct donor fund disbursement rapidly within a short time frame if relief aide is required or if there is a limitation on the organisation to ensure that the funds are distributed to the needy individual.
Using 'zakat' as an example, zakat is most frequently contributed before the Muslim festive season. In the Muslim tradition, it is vital that the contribution of zakat reaches the recipients in a timely and orderly fashion. It would also be an additional advantage if the recipients of the donation can be traced to ensure that the recipients are deserving of the donations appropriated to them.
The zakat donation however, is usually coordinated by numerous institutions or facilities which become the "middle person" of the transaction before the donation actually reaches the recipients. The middle person may take a percentage of each donation from the donors to in order to sustain the operation of the donation collecting institutions or facilities. The operational cost of these institutions may constitute a large sum since the donation funds disbursement is usually manually handled by a large number of employees instead of being an automated process. Numerous prior arts have disclosed methods and system for the handling of donation funds such as US patent 509794 which disclosed a donation transaction apparatus and a method for facilitating donations to charitable organizations., The donation transaction apparatus disclosed allows the donors to select an organisation in which their donations will be directed to. The donations will be wired to the organisation's bank account. The prior art therefore, does not propose a method to disburse donations funds to poor and needy individuals without bank accounts and also does not collect the donation into a donation funds pool to be distributed.
Yet another prior art, US patent publication 2004/0267650 disclosed a method and a system that electronically collects monies from donors and organisation and distributes the collected monies to designated charitable and other non-profit organisation such as churches. The system essentially allows donors to donate to an organisation in a most convenient manner while deciding the frequency and amount of donation. The donations however, are also achieved via fund transfer from the donors account to the organisation's account. This therefore, does not serve the purpose of donating to individuals, particularly poor and needy individuals who do not usually have access to bank accounts.
Therefore there is a need for a system and a method for facilitating the transaction of donation funds from the donors and disbursing the funds to the recipients who do not possess a bank account and to do it rapidly, meeting either deadlines for the disbursements or deadlines based on the specific needs of the recipients.
1. Latar belakang
Sehubungan dengan meningkatnya pemakaian telepon seluler dimasyarakat yang mana telahmenjangkau berbagai lapisan masyarakat dan juga dengan adanya kebutuhan masyarakat modernakan media transaksi yang lebih praktis dan bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan dan tidakhanya terbatas pada pembayaran online saja serta bisa digunakan kapanpun maka muncul ide kamiuntuk merancang metode dan sistem transaksi elektronis menggunakan sarana telepon seluler ataualat telekomunikasi data personal lain.
2 Tujuan khusus pengadaan sistemMemungkinkan transaksi dilakukan tanpa menggunakan uang (cashless) untuk pembayaranmikro (micropayment) hingga Rp.10.000,- keatas dengan menggunakan ponsel atau alattelekomunikasi data personal lainnya untuk berbagai keperluan.
Donations, including religious donations such as the tithes, 'zakat', and alms giving in a religion such as Muslim religion (the zakat) can be carried out on a recurring basis, usually annually, but may also be carried out throughout the year. Donors contribute monies with the hopes that their donation can reach the appropriate recipients and help the recipients financially.
Donors often prefer to give their monies directly to individuals, eliminating middle men. Donation collecting institutions are often obliged to disburse the donation funds within a specific time-frame, especially before the festivities such as Muslim festivities (for the case of the zakat) or within the same year as when the donations are received from the donors. Since disbursement of the donation funds to individuals or homes may be arduous and laborious, and especially difficult within a short time- frame, donation collecting institutions resort to using the donations for developmental projects such as building schools and other facilities to improve the lives of the poor and the needy. These developmental projects would allow large sum of the donation funds to be disbursed. However, these developmental projects, while it may be useful to the poor and needy community, may neglect the financial needs of the poor and the needy, thus defeating the fundamental purpose of the donation. The challenge is how donation collecting institutions can utilize donation funds by distributing the funds EQUITABLY to poor and needy individuals. Such distribution of the donation funds may be achieved through electronic fund transfer (EFT) such that the appropriated funds are wired to each recipient. However, this would be virtually impossible to carry out, considering the poor and needy individuals usually do not possess a bank account due to their inability to gain access to financial institution and banks alike.
Donations that are collected by non-religious organisations including non-government organisations (NGOs) can be collected with a specific purpose or a non-specific purpose. These organisations face similar challenges as the religious organisations if they are in need to conduct donor fund disbursement rapidly within a short time frame if relief aide is required or if there is a limitation on the organisation to ensure that the funds are distributed to the needy individual.
Using 'zakat' as an example, zakat is most frequently contributed before the Muslim festive season. In the Muslim tradition, it is vital that the contribution of zakat reaches the recipients in a timely and orderly fashion. It would also be an additional advantage if the recipients of the donation can be traced to ensure that the recipients are deserving of the donations appropriated to them.
The zakat donation however, is usually coordinated by numerous institutions or facilities which become the "middle person" of the transaction before the donation actually reaches the recipients. The middle person may take a percentage of each donation from the donors to in order to sustain the operation of the donation collecting institutions or facilities. The operational cost of these institutions may constitute a large sum since the donation funds disbursement is usually manually handled by a large number of employees instead of being an automated process. Numerous prior arts have disclosed methods and system for the handling of donation funds such as US patent 509794 which disclosed a donation transaction apparatus and a method for facilitating donations to charitable organizations., The donation transaction apparatus disclosed allows the donors to select an organisation in which their donations will be directed to. The donations will be wired to the organisation's bank account. The prior art therefore, does not propose a method to disburse donations funds to poor and needy individuals without bank accounts and also does not collect the donation into a donation funds pool to be distributed.
Yet another prior art, US patent publication 2004/0267650 disclosed a method and a system that electronically collects monies from donors and organisation and distributes the collected monies to designated charitable and other non-profit organisation such as churches. The system essentially allows donors to donate to an organisation in a most convenient manner while deciding the frequency and amount of donation. The donations however, are also achieved via fund transfer from the donors account to the organisation's account. This therefore, does not serve the purpose of donating to individuals, particularly poor and needy individuals who do not usually have access to bank accounts.
Therefore there is a need for a system and a method for facilitating the transaction of donation funds from the donors and disbursing the funds to the recipients who do not possess a bank account and to do it rapidly, meeting either deadlines for the disbursements or deadlines based on the specific needs of the recipients.
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